Up to date Stock & Pricesfrom 170+ distributors Plus own stock + alternate suppliers Add margins, rules and control over ordering Your Webstore 6.6m products available matched withproduct descriptions + images 1 2 3
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About Euro Options

Euro Options is an independent distributor and stockist of branded IT goods.

Founded in 1998, our continued growth is testament to the loyalty and strength of the relationships we have forged with our customers and suppliers alike. Euro Options aim to establish long term partnerships with all our clients and we do this through our exceptional pricing, commitment and service. Our unrivalled ability to source products allows us to make savings which can then be passed on to our customers. In an increasingly competitive commercial environment, maximising your profitability is key to our business.

As a supplier to Europe’s premier distributors and leading resellers, our reputation within the marketplace is second to none.

We’ve built the business on the back of our ‘reliability assured’ promise. This is our commitment to your satisfaction. At Euro Options, we are confident we will not simply meet your needs but exceed your expectations.

Any business relies on the quality of its staff and we’re hugely proud of ours. With competent, dedicated and enthusiastic people working at all levels throughout the business, we’re certain you’ll enjoy working with Euro Options.

About Stock in the Channel

Founded in 2009 to help resellers source hardware from authorised distributors, Stock in the Channel quickly grew to become an indispensable tool for the UK channel. Stock in the Channel has since expanded its services to be active in 22 countries, with over 25,000 registered customers across Europe, North America, and Australia. Thousands of resellers, VARs and MSPs use the stock search daily. The founders history of working with e-commerce a webstore offer soon launched, matching stock with product descriptions and adding margins to the resellers buy price. This was offered as both a datafeed and a turnkey Magento option. The company continues to grow and is financially strong

Stock in the Channel is trusted by over 25,000 IT Resellers

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